幻燈片曾經是常用的攝影載體,用以留影和投影觀賞;親友聚會放映幻燈片,也曾是一種流行的娛樂消遣。《Peep House》內藏Son Ni的八幀情色拼貼作品,植物枝葉與人體肢體交疊,耽美奇形,盡收迷你房子裡,從鏡孔窺視,私密觀影。 這系列的部分作品曾發表於《Waterfall》攝影雜誌第三期(2010),及發行量僅50本之《人體盆栽栽培》(2010),這次本社特別委託德國老牌廠商沖曬及製作房子幻燈機,珍貴重現,請來欣賞一場完美的Peep-hole show!
Diapositive slide was a common photographic medium for image capture and projection viewing. It was also popular home entertainment viewing projections with family and friends. Peep House features 8 erotic collage works by Son Ni. The interweaving human-plants in the garden house brings you some weird peep-hole show you have never seen. Some of the collage works were previously published in Waterfall No.3 (2010), and the very limited 50 copies of Human Plants (2010). This time we specially work with a traditional factory in Germany to develop the slides and build the houses, so please enjoy the show!
房子 7.8 cm x 4.8 cm x 2.4 cm,8張彩色幻燈片,德國製造
外盒 9.2 cm x 6.7 cm x 4.2 cm 四色絹印,台灣印製
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