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Pre-order 1 預購一
  • Pre-order 1 預購一

    黃海欣《Pre-order 1 預購一》


    《預購一》 為預售黃海欣新書《在公園》之冊子,限量150本,只限於《在公園》出版之前販售。





    請訂購《Pre-order 1》來預購黃海欣新書《在公園》。預購特惠價:六百台幣。

    Pre-order 1 is a booklet to pre-order Hai-Hsin Huang's new book In The Park. The booklet is printed in a limited edition of 150 copies, to be sold only before the actual release of In The Park.


    In Pre-order 1, it describes and gives hints about the format of In The Park, such as the printing, the colors, and the pages. The readers should imagine how In The Park may look like, and to decide to pre-order it or just buy this Pre-order 1 booklet.


    In The Park will be released in July 2019.


    Please order Pre-order 1 in order to pre-order Hai-Hsin Huang's new book In The Park, at a special pre-order price of NT600.

    • 資訊


      7.5 公分 × 11 公分 
      RISO 四色
      限量 150 本



    • Book Info

      Hai Hsin Huang 
      16 pages

      7.5 cm × 11 cm 
      RISO 4 color
      Limited 150 copies
      Published by nos:books. Taipei, Taiwan, 2019

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