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Steamy Buns 饅頭
  • Steamy Buns 饅頭

    挪石社重磅推出,絕不再版,限量888——日本藝術家Misaki Kawai最新畫冊 Steamy Buns》。


    Steamy Buns饅頭》是Misaki Kawai2019年來訪台灣時,與nos:books合作的出版計劃經過一年半的時間,終於完成並呈獻給大家。Misaki的畫作,筆法果斷有力,造型怪趣多變,憑直覺與率性的發揮,卻能繪出如小孩子的純真。讀者彷彿回到小時候握著蠟筆,聞著畫紙跟蠟筆的味道,沉浸在自己創造的世界









    關於Misaki Kawai河井美咲】

    Misaki Kawai於日本大阪長大,肄業於京都藝術大學,創作媒材與式形不拘一格,繪畫、裝置、雕塑、服裝、出版、設計等等互相轉化,無論形象、色彩、內容、形式,全都奔放好玩。歷年展覽無數,包括紐約MoMA、日本與歐美多家美術館及藝廊。近年創作包括IKEA之藝術家聯名地毯、丹麥Flying Tiger的生活設計系列等。




    We are jumping for joy to publish Misaki Kawai’s new book Steamy Buns - Limited edition of 888 copies and we’ll never reprint.


    Steamy Buns was initiated during Misaki’s travel in Taiwan last year in 2019. After one year and a half of work we finally present this beautiful book to you. Misaki paints and creates, with her brushstrokes that seem decisive and effortless, countless characters and reaches a purity that a great artist takes years to become like a child. Such pure joy grows little by little in the reader’s heart, warmly rising like the steam buns – Yes! What Misaki enjoyed most in her Taiwan trip, was the everyday steamy buns she had in the breakfast shop!


    Misaki’s colors, full of vigor and vitality. We love it so much that we print Steamy Buns with 14-color Risograph, to come close to her radiance. The clothbound hardcover, puffy like a bun, topped with specially printed puffy text, we hope you find the book even more tasty! And the double coil binding, it brings you free navigation, wide-open spread, good look, good touch, and great joy!


    The book has won the book design prize "2022 Golden Butterfly Award" - Gold Medal, of Taipei International Book Exhibition.

    The book is also shortlisted in "The Best Book Design All Over The World 2022" by Stiftung Buchkunst in Germany.


    About Misaki Kawai

    Misaki Kawai was raised & grew up in Osaka, Japan, and she graduated from the Kyoto College of Art. She creates works of drawing, painting, installation, sculpture, clothing, publication, design etc., playful in form and colour, so as in form and content. She has been widely exhibited in the US, Japan and Europe including MoMA in NY. Her collaborations in recent years include IKEA’s artist carpet and Flying Tiger’s lifestyle designs.


    • 書本資訊

      Misaki Kawai


      30 公分 × 27 公分 x 4.6
      RISO 十四色印刷


      限量 888 本,另有20本藝術家親繪特別版


    • Book Info

      Misaki Kawai

      98 pages

      30 cm × 27 cm x 4.6 cm

      (Thickness without coil, 3 cm)
      14-color RISO printing

      Hardcover with 3-color silkscreen and special puffy printing

      Double spiral coil binding
      Limited 888 copies, plus special hand-painted edition of 20 copies.
      Published by nos:books. Taipei, Taiwan, July 2020

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