2024年8月3日,挪石社將出席香港WMA Space的出版分享會,分享會是WMA「書籍實驗所:著陸紙維空間」展覽活動之一。
【周六書日】藝術家導賞 + 台北挪石社 nos:books 分享
【Saturday for Artist’s Book】Artist Guided Tour + Sharing by nos:books
在8月3日(六)下午,WMA Space 將舉行兩場延伸活動:策展人林彥鋒將聯同書籍實驗所其中七組藝術家(陳庭、鄭樂怡及左沁悅、張俊謙、劉家俊、Ray Leung、Marty Miller、吳佳儒),一同講解書籍實驗所的經驗和樣本書製作的整個過程。同時,WMA亦特意邀請台北以出版實驗性藝術書見稱的挪石社nos:books的創辦人及藝術家,倪和孜(Son Ni) @sonsonson_ni 及智海 @chihoichihoi 來港,以「如何開始一本書?」為題,分享如何以書籍為媒介出版藝術意念及行為,審視藝術書(artist’s book)作為當代藝術的一種形式,甚至是原創的藝術作品(art object)的涵意。
挪石社nos:books是一家獨立印刷出版社, 2008年於台北成立。挪石社主要出版藝術家的意念、行為,出版形式不拘。出版品於網站發售,及發行至本地及海外獨立書店,並參加國際藝術書展。自2021年起開始營運實體空間 @nosbookspace 。
📅 2024.8.3 (六 Sat) @ WMA Space
🕐1 - 2pm | 藝術家導賞 Artist Guided Tour
> 廣東話主講,輔以英語 Conducted in Cantonese, supplemented with English
🕝2:30 - 3:30pm | nos:books專題講座 sharing
> 廣東話及國語主講 Conducted in Cantonese and Mandarin
> 預留座位 reserve your seats (link in bio)
“Book Lab: Landing on Paper Space” explores uncharted territory beyond traditional linear narrative through artist‘s books of diverse forms and concepts, introducing the ideas of space into the discussion of books.
In the afternoon of 3 August (Sat), WMA Space will host two extended events. Curator Frank Lam, along with seven groups of artists from the Book Lab (Chen Ting, Tracy Cheng & Shera Cho, Jeremy Cheung, Jay Lau, Ray Leung, Marty Miller and Wu Jiaru), will give a tour on the experience of the Book Lab and the process of creating the dummy books. Concurrently, WMA has invited Son Ni and Chihoi, the founders and artists of nos:books, a prominent independent publisher of experimental artist’s books from Taipei. They will share their experiences on how artistic concepts and actions can be expressed through the medium of books, as well as to examine the meanings of “artist’s book as object” in the realm of contemporary art.
📒About nos:books
nos:books is an independent publisher founded in 2008 in Taipei. They strive to realise artists‘ ideas and concepts in unique book forms and have also published limited edition works by artists from Taiwan and abroad. Since 2021, nos:books also runs a space about books called nos:bookspace.