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〖TW〗在大廳 / In The Hall - 倪和孜個展 Son NI Solo Exhibition

nos:books的Son Ni將於The Hall舉行首次個展,

同步推出新作《ISBN 978-986-97269-4-8》

在大廳 / In The Hall 倪和孜個展 Son NI Solo Exhibition


The Hall十分高興舉辦倪和孜(Son Ni)首次個展:《在大廳 / In The Hall》。倪的創作,喜以線條描畫人體與空間之間那曖昧互動的邊界,時而相連相逼、時而互涉穿透,構成視點驚奇而渾然自成的維度。倪的圖像快速累積並反覆編輯,趨近重複的頻率,直到圖像變成字符或音符,譜寫出更廣闊的意象。

這次展覽,The Hall將空出主場,展出藝術家最新創作,其筆下世界浮現於現實空間裡,實在萬分期待。展覽同步發表新書《ISBN 978-986-97269-4-8》,一本在概念上差不多全裸的書,萬勿錯過!

展覽日期:2021.10.16 - 11.7 開放時間:週五~週日 2pm - 7pm 地點:The Hall (台北市大安區大安路一段202號1F) 開幕酒會:2021.10.16 (六) 4pm - 8pm Ugly Beer酉鬼贊助 ............................................................................................................ 關於藝術家 1984年出生及成長於台北,從事個人創作。自 2008 年創辦 nos:books 出版社,在創作與出版中維持平衡。作品曾受邀參與 nieves、Lagon、dmp editions 等國內外出版計畫,並獲邀至美、英、法、日、瑞士等國參展。其出版品為紐約 MoMA 圖書 館、大都會美術館 Thomas J. Watson 圖書館館藏。著有《葫蘆》、《The Great Fall》、《The Sun’s Shadow》、《The Well-Tempered Us》、《Series 12》等,最新《ISBN 978-986-97269-4-8》於本月出版。


In The Hall - Son Ni’s Solo Exhibition

“I dreamed of a table corner. I looked at it, but from whatever direction, it just looked like a table corner.”

The Hall is delighted to present Son Ni’s first solo exhibition “In The Hall”. Son Ni’s line drawings often depict the ambiguous interactions between body and space. The two are sometimes constrained and pushed against each other, sometimes mingle and intersect, always creating astonishing perspectives that open to boundless dimensions. Ni’s works accumulate through repetition, re-editing and transformation. The pictorial elements become the lexicons and musical cues that orchestrate the bigger imagery.

In this exhibition, The Hall is rendered to its blankness to accommodate the artist’s mesmerizing creation. We really look forward to Ni’s realization. Meanwhile, Ni’s new book ISBN 978-986-97269-4-8, which is a barely naked book in essence, will be released on the occasion. Don’t miss it In The Hall!

Date: 2021.10.16 - 11.7 Open hours: Fri-Sun 2pm-7pm Venue: The Hall (1F, No.202 Sec.1 Da-an Road, Da-an District, Taipei City) Vernissage: 2021.10.16 (Sat) 4pm-8pm Beer sponsored by Ugly Beer

............................................................................................................ About the artist Son Ni (b.1984), born and raised up in Taipei, Taiwan. The artist primarily focuses in drawings, draws and re-draws, edits and re-edits in the pool of drawings. Son Ni founded nos:books in 2008, making a balance between drawing and publishing. Her works are published by nieves, Lagon, dmp editions, and are exhibited in the US, UK, France, Switzerland and Japan. Her books are collected in Thomas J. Watson Library of the MET Museum, and MoMA Library in the US. Her major books include The Calabash, The Great Fall, The Sun’s Shadow, Series 12, The Well-Tempered Us. New book ISBN 978-986-97269-4-8 is released in this exhibition.

營業時間:每週六、一 / 15:00-18:00

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2/F, No.14, Lane 2, Taishun Street,
Da’an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan
Saturday & Monday / 15:00-18:00

© nos:books              

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