〖New Book〗computer_says_no.gif, Ting Cheng, 2014Computer_says_no.gif Ting Cheng 鄭婷 more info #NEWBOOKS
〖TW〗第二屆 Not Big Issue 2014 - 小誌 / 獨立刊物市集-紙本群島We're glad to participate in this year's Not Big Issue independent book fair! See you there! 2014第二屆Not Big Issue 小誌 / 獨立刊物市集-紙本群島 時間...
〖TW〗向石頭解釋放鬆 nos:books@牯嶺街書香市集 2013We're joining this year's Gu Ling Street Book Fair. Let's play ping-pong at our table! Yes, ping-pong! 向石頭解釋放鬆 nos:books@牯嶺街書香市集...
〖New Zine〗Dream books, Chihoi, 2013Dream Books 夢的書 Chihoi 智海 其實智海說他再也不買關於書的書了,但他畫那些幻想的書,看到書封就好像看完一本。其他珍藏已久的、買不起的、或是捨不得借給人的,對他來說的經典,一筆一畫畫出來就好像得到了,雖然一本不厚,但是靈體卻很重。 Chihoi says...
〖TW〗Not Big Issue 2013 小誌/獨立刊物市集We're getting excited about the coming Not Big Issue independent book fair! We have some new titles to release. Please come around! Not...
〖TW〗Zine & Collection at Taipei, 2013感謝下北沢世代的籌備,我們的出版品將會在BEAMS主辦的 Zine & Collection at Taipei書展中展出及販售,歡迎光臨! 2013年4月10-28日 台北市松山區富錦街340號 週一~五 12:00-20:30 週六、日 11:30-20:30 詳情...
〖TW〗nos:books放血日, 眼鏡咖啡+blahblahblah, 2012nos:books at 眼鏡咖啡 nos:books at blahblahbla 那個男人帶著暴風雨前來,他站在門口讓雨水從大衣上滴下,雨水像錢幣型溼疹一樣滴到地上擴散一大圈。 他拿出一個乾扁扁的塑膠袋,「可以幫我用這個做一個皮包嗎?」...
〖TW〗牯嶺街書香創意市集 2010Gu Ling Street has a long tradition as an old bookshop street. We are happy to join the independent book fair this year! 牯嶺街書香創意市集 2010...
〖TW〗Bed and Mountains, Chihoi Solo Exhibition, 2010Bed and Mountains Chihoi flash solo exhibition May 15th, 2010 / 23:00pm-24:00am May. 15th 23:00pm Opening presented by nos:books #EVENT